Misai Mark Data Base --> TG --> TW --> Svaneke Is - Vanilje Is
Is & Co - Svaneke Is - Ægte Vanilje
Misai Mark ID: ACBB-TW | ISOGCO-A1
Misai Mark Holder
Svaneke Is,
Product of IsogCo ApS Denmark. CVR # 41176865 |
Misai Mark (Company):
Product Category: Processed Food Pack | Dairy Products
Product Category Standard Code: #ACBB | #10.00.3 (According to Danish Industrial Classification)
Product: Vanilla Ice Cream packaged in 100% compostable material
Type / Model: Vanilla Ice in Bowl Pack
Ingredients: Sødmælk, Fløde, Sukker, Skummetmælkspulver, Æggeblommer ,Vanilje Ekstrakt, Vanilje pasta Jhonnesbrødkernemel, guargummi.
Package Material: Paper made from Upcycled Sugarcane bagasse and compostable bio-lining
Technical Datasheet: To be updated
License Status
Misai Eco Certifications & Marks of Conformities
Misai Mark - License Category: Sub-License
Main License (Reference): ACBA-TW-A1BO-1111 (License of the Packaging Material)
Misai Mark Category: Product
Below is preliminary data. Full report will be live after verification.
Resource Flow:
Raw Material Sources:
- Vanilla extract source from Mexico.
- Milk from Denmark
- Egg from Denmark
- Cream from Denmark
- Sugar from Denmark
- Packaging raw material from East Asia and USA | Packing Solution from Thinaiware, Denmark
Product Lifecycle
- Product shall be stored in refrigerator at below -20 C. With proper handling and cold storage - the product shall have a shelf life of 6 months.
- Product shall be consumed within 3 hours of opening the seal.
- After usage - the packaging can be disposed in proper recycling facility according to locally available capability. In general - the package can compost in an industrial composting facility. It can also be recycled with paper.
Product Nutritional & Health Metrics
Data collection in progress. Will be reported after verification.
Work & FlowUnder evaluation |
No Variants
Misteriet for fødevarer, landbrug og fiskeri, Denmark
Regn. No: 933271
Food Contact Material - Food Safe
TUVRheinland Tested - Report No: 168277206b 001
Testing Basis: Fluorine Content < 20mg/kg - PFAS Free
Product is new. Not enough data to form visualization.
After gathering more data sets, the Eco Impact Metrics will be updated
After gathering more data sets, the Eco Impact Metrics will be updated